My Approach


Rarely is it that the body can be fixed from the outside in… instead we need to focus on healing from the inside out

My Philosophy

Simply put… I believe that food is medicine.

The standard American diet (SAD… pun intended), eaten by the majority of people in our nation, is leaving people sick and tired. As a society we are experiencing skyrocketing rates of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, thyroid disorders, digestive dysfunction, cancers, depression, anxiety, and infertility, just to name a few conditions. Of significant concern is the increasing rates of some of these conditions in children. Upwards of 50% of Americans have some form of pre-existing medical condition, which places them at higher risk for significant health challenges and complications.  Additionally, prevalence for such conditions as Autism, ADHD, and learning disabilities are higher than they have ever been. 

The foods we eat are our primary source of fuel for powering our minds and bodies. If we subsist on a diet that is heavily processed/refined, chock full of additives and preservatives, and lacking quality nutrients, we are only limiting our capacity to be truly amazing humans. If we instead chose to celebrate our bodies, by nurturing them with whole, properly prepared, nutrient dense foods… then just think of what we can become!

We are constantly bombarded with information about what we should and shouldn’t eat… what will and won’t help our conditions. I’ve spent years researching and educating myself about the many ways to optimize health. I’d love to take the guesswork out of the process for you, and share all of the information that I have learned. We also have deep embedded thought patterns and behaviors around our bodies and food consumption. Here, I bring together years of experience in mental health, behavior analysis, and functional nutrition to help guide you to a place of health and happiness. Let’s get started!

how I support my clients

My Approach

Comprehensive Initial Intake

I spend time listening to your health concerns, medical/family/behavioral health history, current medications, detailed symptom information, and analyze your assessment results, and food and mood journal.

Functional Clinical Assessment

I conduct hands-on palpation of the body and lingual neuro testing to determine how we can best support your body in finding balance

Individualized Nutrition/Lifestyle and Behavior Plans

We will work together to design a personalized dietary, supplement, and lifestyle protocol that addresses your physical and mental health concerns and prioritizes what is necessary to move you toward your goals. 

Ongoing Individual/Family Coaching and Support

We will work to address ongoing challenges, by processing and working through deep rooted thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors. We can continue to adjust behavior plans to work toward target outcomes. 

Have a question?

Reach out!

8 + 10 =


Answers to Your Questions

What is Applied Behavior Analysis?

Cooper, Heron and Heward (2007) define ABA as the following: Applied behavior analysis is the science in which tactics derived from the principles of behavior are applied systematically to improve socially significant behavior, and experimentation is used to identify the variables responsible for behavior change. In other words, ABA is a form of therapy that uses the science of learning and behavior to understand how behavior works, how it is affected by the environment, and how learning takes place. This therapy can be used to teach a variety of skills, including increasing language and communication, socialization, self-help skills, attention/focus, academics, and decreasing problem behaviors.

What is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP)?

FNTPs use a deep foundational and bio-individual approach to functional, holistic nutrition to balance body chemistry and achieve optimal wellness. An FNTP has gone through extensive training to learn a hands-on skillset called the Functional Clinical Assessment (FCA) that allows them to evaluate the nutritional imbalances and deficiencies at both the body system and organ level that are unique to a specific client and create a tailored set of recommendations designed to support that client’s wellness goals. FNTPs are able to analyze detailed intake information, evaluate food and mood journals and make individualized recommendations for beneficial dietary changes and supplemental support, as well as in key lifestyle areas such as stress management, sleep, hygiene, and intentional movement. 

What do you mean by “bio-Individual” nutrition?

While I do use a foundations first approach to working with clients, not every human body is the same. There is no “one-size fits all” approach. So, what I recommend for one client, may be very different from what I recommend another. Utilizing a bio-individual approach means that I am able to customize nutrition and lifestyle recommendations to each client’s unique underlying needs and biochemical makeup.

What is the value of the Functional Clinical Assessment (FCA)?

The FCA is a skillset that allows the practitioner to assess imbalances and deficiencies within the body and address the following questions for each client: Is there a functional deficiency? What particular nutrient will work fo that that client? When is the client sufficient? These questions enable the practitioner to create personalized, bio-individual recommendations that are uniquely tailored for each client. Each test assesses a specific organ or system for imbalance, allowing the practitioner to communicate with the client’s body to identify potential root causes behind the symptoms or concerns presented.

What is Lingual-Neuro Testing (LNT)?

Lingual-Neuro Testing (LNT) is a beneficial biofeedback tool that enables me as a practitioner to determine the usefulness of a nutritional supplement to a specific client, prior to it being dispensed. The body has an innate ability to discriminate between what it needs, and what it does not need. In LNT, a specific nutrient can be placed on the tongue, and the presence of this nutrient is registered by the brain within 15 seconds. By pairing LNT with the FCA (hands on palpation of reflex points), specific nutrients can be “tested” to determine whether or not they are supportive in restoring balance and/or function to specific organ systems. The FCA and LNT process gives me as a practitioner, the ability to communicate directly with a client’s body and understand what they need in order to customize a nutritional plan to support optimal health. This simple and effective technique makes the difference between a generic nutritional therapy plan and a personalized one.

How is Nutritional Therapy supportive to Autism Spectrum Disorders?

I will always be the first to say, that if you have a child diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, Behavioral and Educational therapies are a must. There is a long list of empirical evidence to demonstrate the efficacy of Applied Behavior Analysis across all areas of development (including social, language, cognitive, play, and adaptive skills), as well as in the reduction of problem behaviors. Many people think of nutritional approached to Autism intervention to be more of a “fringe” therapy, not backed by science. I am here to tell you otherwise. There is plenty of well conducted research studies that demonstrates otherwise. Adams, et al. (2018), found that a comprehensive nutritional and dietary intervention is effective at improving nutritional status, non-verbal IQ, autism symptoms, and other symptoms in most individuals with ASD. Specifically, vitamin/mineral supplements, essential fatty acids, and a healthy gluten-free, casein-free, and soy-free diet was the most beneficial.

Reference: Adams, J. B., et al. (2018). Comprehensive Nutritional and Dietary Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder—A Randomized, Controlled 12-Month Trial. Nutrients, 10 (3), 369.

I am not here to say that dietary intervention is going to CURE Autism. However, I can tell you that it can play a significant role in improving overall quality of life and alleviating ASD symptoms, making learning and participation in other therapies easier.

Can I work with you if I don’t live in San Diego?

Absolutely! Please see my services page to read about my remote/online service options. If you do choose to work with me remotely, know that I am not able to conduct the Functional Clinical Assessment (FCA) or Lingual Neuro Testing (LNT). I do use a HIPPA compliant online Telehealth platform. 

What if my main focus is weight loss?

My philosophy in working with clients is not a weight loss first approach. I firmly believe that the body can be healthy at a variety of weights. Instead, I work to restore health in the body by focusing on the key foundations of digestion, blood sugar regulation, fatty acid and minerals balance, and hydration. That said, weight loss is typically a positive side effect of the work that I do. 

Do you work with pregnant clients or those looking to become pregnant?

I am able to work with individuals and couples who are looking for assistance with preconception diets. However, I am not currently working with pregnant clients. I hope to add this to my practice at a later date. I am happy to refer you to someone who focuses on Nutritional Therapy in pregnancy. 

Are you able to interpret labwork?

Unfortunately, I am neither licensed  to order nor trained to interpret medical tests. However, I am happy to refer you to a functional medicine provider that can do such testing for you. 

Do you accept insurance?

I do not accept insurance at this time. My services are private pay, and cash, Venmo or Zelle are accepted for payment. I am able to provide a super bill for you to submit to insurance for potential reimbursement. If you do choose to submit your receipt to insurance for reimbursement, please note that I will be required to provide a diagnosis which will become a part of your permanent insurance record. 

Book a Free Consultation

During this 20 minute meeting, I’ll devote my time to exploring your primary health and behavior concerns, explain my process, and see if we are a great fit to work with one another.

One call just might change your life!

“Caroline has great skills in functional nutrition. She is intuitive and thoughtful with her recommendations and I can tell she really wants the best for me. She does this through her assessment (lots of questions and hands-on work). All of her recommendations have been spot on. I am lucky to have had several sessions with her. I’ve had subsequent weight loss, in addition to healing of several frustrating health issues. With the addition of supplements and most importantly diet changes, I feel so much better, and have for months. Going to Caroline was a life saver, especially as a mom of a busy toddler!”

– Selena J.