Jun 1, 2023 | Exercise Tips, Lifestyle, Nutrition Information
Did you know that a recent study published in the Journal of Preventative Medicine found that adherence to a healthy lifestyle is directly associated with a lower risk of mortality (1)? That means that the daily choices you make can directly affect length of your...
Apr 25, 2022 | Exercise Tips, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Mindset, Nutrition Information
It’s important that we spend a little time talking about a Parasympathetic versus a Sympathetic state, and how this influences digestion. The human Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) is responsible for regulating the body’s unconscious actions and is made up of three...
Feb 27, 2022 | Autism and ABA, Exercise Tips, Lifestyle, Mental Health, Nutrition Information
Do you ever find yourself saying any of the following? “I can’t stop snacking!” “I get shaky, weak, and irritable if meals are skipped or delayed” “I’m always thinking about the next time I can eat” “I get really sleep after meals” “I feel like I am addicted to sugar”...
Aug 2, 2021 | Exercise Tips, Mental Health, Nutrition Information, Recipes
There is no shortage of neon-colored electrolyte sports drinks on the supermarket shelves today touting themselves as the ultimate “thirst-quenchers”. With fancy marketing and strategic brand partnerships with professional athletes, the average person is convinced...
Mar 1, 2021 | Exercise Tips, Lifestyle, Mindset, Nutrition Information, Uncategorized
When discussing the concept of blood sugar regulation, we’re simply describing the process by which the levels of sugar in our blood are maintained by the body. This sugar is called glucose, which is created by breaking down the food we eat and is the form that the...
Nov 23, 2020 | Exercise Tips, Lifestyle, Mindset, Nutrition Information
Amidst the novel pandemic of SARS-CoV2, we may find ourselves overwhelmed, confused, and scared. I want to assure you, there is plenty you can do, right now, in the comfort of your own home to support your body and immune system. In this article, we’ll cover the...
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